We host art-based experiences that create face to face human connection for ourselves and the communities we serve.
This is the big one. Art can bridge cultures in a way few other things can. But more than that, art can be the new thing we make together once it's connected to us. Tasai brings differing but compatible creatives together for 1+1=3 connections. We find a mashup of Eastern and Western sensibilities particularly exciting and loaded with potential.Â
Tasai isn’t about welcoming “foreigners†to “our country.†Tasai isn’t here and it isn’t there, it’s a third place, in the middle. A lot of us, in this increasingly post- colonial world, are exploring in-between identities. We might live in one place, but because we’ve also lived in another place our hearts are somewhere in the middle.
What kind of connection? Well, not like LinkedIn. Not networking. It’s face to face and intimate, usually small and relatively quiet. It’s friends and colleagues committed to process over product. At it’s best it’s community.
Fusion is about difference. Like fusion food, difference coming together to make something new and awesome. It’s generative connection. Fusion is the magic sauce that comes from doing collaboration well. We aren’t interested in addition, i.e. the controlled management of pre-classified predictable outcomes. We’re interested in fusion, i.e. exploding into awesome.Â
We believe in the individual disciplined pursuit of excellence in one’s chosen craft. We also believe in collective moments of terror filled interdisciplinary experimentation that pull you further and higher than you could have got to alone. We’re interested in becoming more than we could be on our own.
A growing number of organizations are realizing the need to humanize work. We believe artists are the right people to lead us into the work of humanizing work. We want to stand at the gates of hope and call people toward organizational, systemic, and sustainable change.